A wicked big thanks

to my FOs who believed in me, to Daniel for convincing me, to Allison who gave me a chance to do something right, to my friends for never giving up on me, to my family for agreeing to love me the way I am, to Wink for inspiring me, and to you for reading and supporting my blog.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

This blows my mind

check out twistori. It's based on what people are saying on twitter at any given moment. so amazingly cool. Keep in mind that twitter has roughly 5 million active users from all over the world. It gets pretty random.


Just click on one of the words on the left and enjoy.

I love the internet.


  1. Meh, Twitter is boring. Check out Tumblr, it's my new favorite interwebs addiction.

  2. I was on digg but i got bored and i follow Rachel Maddow and Ana Marie Cox and a few of my friends on Twitter so it works for me.

  3. love it!....i saw another website like this on the Current channel.....i think it was Current.....anyhoo, i think this so cool, it could be inspiration for art!

  4. Wow. Hey, I was thinking about us doing a wiki for extra credit or something on twitter. Any ideas?

  5. twitter would be a bit difficult just because it's sort of limiting. The options would sort of be setting up a single account for the class or using hash tags.
    What did you have in mind?
